Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy Memories of The Waltons and Many thanks to our own Jon Walmsley

Hope you are all having fun getting ready for the holidays. A new year is fast approaching! We have many  good times to remember from this year and look forward to a great year ahead for Special Angel.

Our highly talented and much loved Music Director for Special Angel was featured recently on  The Today show with the other cast members of  the very popular television series The Waltons. Reunited after 40 years, the kids are all grown up now but the magic of  The Waltons remains. Their loyal fans continue to follow them today and the fan base grows as a new generation discovers them on the Inspiration Network.

Jon Walmsley played the part of Jason on The Waltons. He wrote the forward to our book, "Some Day It Will Matter" and mentions the influence of the Waltons and how it relates to today's world. We are most fortunate to have such a talented musician and special friend working with us to help troubled youth and families through music. Jon has been with us since 1995 and now partners with us on moving the Special Angel Project forward. Thanks to Jon, we have a multi-talented group of wonderful musicians bringing inspiration and hope to many.

You can learn more about our work using music to help others in our book and on our web site. The book and our music can be purchased on the site.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Time for Thanks!

What a beautiful time of year and so much to be thankful for. For so long, I've wanted to start a guitar workshop for the kids at Children of the Night. Jon Walmsley and Howie Anderson, members of the Special Angel band, loved the idea. All we needed was a few guitars to leave at the shelter so the kids would be able to practice in between classes.

Thanks to LA Women in Music and their president Leanne Summers, Guitar It Up For Girls donated 3 beautiful acoustic guitars at Young Talent Night in September.

Our first workshop was held on October 27, 2011 at Children of the Night in Van Nuys, CA. The group was so excited and attentive and their comments in the program evaluations were proof positive of the value of this new venture.

Two weeks later, we met again  on November 8, 2011. The kids were just as excited and one of the girls was proud to show us that she cut her fingernails, as suggested in the first class, in order to play better. The group played a simple exercise together and it was wonderful to hear the sweet, simple sound of notes well played. They were so proud of themselves! I am so thankful to LA Women in Music for connecting us with Guitar It Up For Girls. 

We have been so blessed by our relationship with LA Women in Music. Last year they arranged a guitar gifting from Daisy Rock guitars at their monthly Young Talent Night. YTN host Leslie Stoddard is on the left in the picture and Leanne Summers, President LAWiM on right.

We bring the red Daisy Rock guitar along with us wherever we go and also use this as an extra guitar for the kids during class.
Even Ryan loves Daisy Rock.

LA Women in Music has a great article on their website about our  program and we thank them for spreading the word about our project and the great work done at Children of the Night by Lois Lee and her staff.

Alie, Kelly and I send thanks to all and appreciate this wonderful opportunity to share with the kids at Children of the Night.  The three guitars donated for the workshop have been joyfully received and this in turn gives us much joy and something to feel very thankful for on this Thanksgiving Holiday.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all from Special Angel

Saturday, August 6, 2011

You Are My Sunshine :)

Last week, Kelly and I visited Children of the Night in Van Nuys, CA to sing for the teens there as we have done for many years with other members of the Special Angel Band. Our band leader Jon Walmsley was with us this evening and the kids were great. They listened and talked and shared feelings. Jon played some old Beatles tunes and they loved it. They even sang along and knew the lyrics to one of them. You just can't imagine how great it was to hear Jon play the Beatles and see these kids singing along.

Kelly and I sang some of our original songs and the kids really liked the lyrics. I'm always amazed at how we connect, no matter what. These kids have been through a lot and the one thing we try to do with our music is give them a chance to relax and reflect, share feelings and learn new ways to look at things that we experience in life. Through talking about how the songs make them feel or how they can relate to them, they become empowered. One of the kids commented that every song had meaning to it. As a songwriter, I think that was a great compliment. That's what it's all about. How great is the ability to communicate through music? Pretty darn great.

It was a good night but the best part came later when we brought Kelly home. We went in to have something to eat and the twins woke up when they heard us talking in the kitchen. The little ones are pretty good at crawling out of their cribs now. Kelly has twin boys, almost 3 now and a daughter age 10 who loves to sing with us. The boys, Ryan and Kyle, came out giggling and visited awhile. Soon, Kelly brought them back to bed. I heard singing coming from their room and walked over and stood by the door.

Then came the best part of the evening watching Ryan's face looking up at his mother as she sang to him softly, rocking him in the big rocker by his crib. As I listened to her sweet voice singing You Are My Sunshine, I knew that was the best song of the night. The smile on his face said it all. Music.......the universal healer and communicator. What a gift.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Thoughts to start the conversation.

Welcome. So glad you stopped by. My daughter Kelly and I have been through a lot of interesting, challenging and rewarding life adventures. Over the years, we've learned a lot about life and each other. When she was younger, I worked as a nurse...........all the time. The one thing I wish I had done differently was to stay home more, be  home when she came home from school, spend more time listening. The good thing about realizing this and talking about it with her now that she is a mother herself is that she can use that knowledge to be an even better mother.

Knowing what she would have liked better, she now has the chance to do that for her own daughter.  The good thing is that we are able to talk about it in a positive way. I can look at things as they were, see how I could have done it differently and discuss it with her but then we move on.

This is an important step in the ongoing mother-daughter relationship. Don't hold onto things you wish you had done better. Share in a way that can be helpful to you and your daughter. Praise her for being a good mother and share the good times together. Progress :) 

So why this blog? Angel wings and other things? Well this is one of the other things. Along the way, I'll share other interesting things about how we started singing together, started the Special Angel Band and have worked over many years using music to help troubled teens open up and talk about their feelings.

We have learned so much from our work with kids. I've also continued my work as a nurse over the years. I will share thoughts and observations with you and I welcome yours in return. Just remember that we are all here for a visit on the great planet earth. Every day we each have the opportunity to help, inspire and motivate others. Find your wings, brush them off if needed and be an angel to all. You never know what someone else is going through. Your smile may be just what they need.

 Until next time,
   Blessings :)